Marina Bay Street Circuit, Singapore
DZE Asia è orgogliosa di annunciare il suo contratto esclusivo di cinque anni per la progettazione, realizzazione e gestione del Sistema di Illuminazione del circuito, dei Sistemi di Comunicazione per la sala di controllo e del Sistema di Illuminazione della Segnaletica Pubblicitaria per il prestigioso Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix 2024. Questo traguardo consolida la posizione di DZE Asia come fornitore leader di soluzioni avanzate di illuminazione per le gare di Formula 1 a Singapore e a livello globale.
Come parte del nostro impegno verso un miglioramento continuo, DZE Asia si impegna a migliorare la qualità dei nostri servizi per eventi di livello mondiale come questo. Sulla scia del successo dell’installazione lo scorso anno del nuovo Sistema di Illuminazione a LED del circuito, quest’anno introdurremo fari motorizzati a LED di ultima generazione. Questi fari innovativi illumineranno tutto gli sponsors ufficiali della Formula 1 lungo il circuito di Marina Bay Street, garantendo un nuovo livello di eccellenza nell’illuminazione.
In occasion of the Formula 1 GP Art in Motion: AI Creatives at the Singapore Night Race
DZE Asia Pte Ltd, subsidiary company of DZ Engineering, member of the esteemed Dino Zoli Group, stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence in the dynamic world of motorsports. From its strategic headquarters in Singapore, DZE Asia spearheads the industry with its cutting-edge offerings, including race electronic systems, race track lighting solutions, and overtrack signage lighting systems.
Bolstered by the rich heritage and global reach of DZ Engineering, DZE Asia operates with a distinct advantage, seamlessly blending expertise with innovation. As a premier system integrator and trusted general contractor, DZE Asia is uniquely positioned to deliver bespoke solutions that not only meet but exceed the demanding needs of race tracks.
With a dedicated team of industry experts and a relentless commitment to pushing the boundaries of possibility, DZE Asia consistently redefines what is achievable in motorsport infrastructure. Every project undertaken is a testament to the company’s unwavering dedication to enhancing both performance and safety, ensuring that each race track equipped by DZE Asia sets new standards of excellence.
In collaboration with its parent company, DZE Asia remains at the forefront of technological advancements, continuously striving to introduce groundbreaking solutions that shape the future of motorsports infrastructure. Through this synergy of innovation and expertise, DZE Asia emerges as a trusted partner, driving forward the evolution of the motorsport industry towards unparalleled levels of success and distinction.